What people are saying...

“My wife asked me on several occasions to go-to counselling with her and I refused. I really didn’t see a point in therapy. I figured we were strong enough to work through the problems ourselves. Regardless of my pleas, she left. I really didn’t think she had it in her but she did it, packed up and headed to her parents.

I really thought that I was doing pretty okay at being a husband. I did everything for my wife. I worked really hard at my job and worked extra hours and always made sure we had plenty of money to feel as secure as possible. I was a bit perplexed as to why my wife was upset with me. I thought I was doing enough.

Through my coaching I have gained tools from Brandon to handle my limiting beliefs and really gain a lot of power and confidence. I’m feeling so much more intimate with myself and really know what I want, the direction I’m heading and how to communicate those things more effectively with my loving wife.

If you are looking at doing this inner work with Brandon, you are about to do something most men have no clue about, a very small percent are doing this work and it will set you apart and you will feel different.”

Billy – read what his wife said below

“When I separated from my husband back in November he was against doing any kind of therapy and did not believe he needed it. He made me believe we would be heading in opposite directions. Coming back into this marriage after he had completed his coaching with Brandon has been nothing but a positive experience. I have seen so many changes in my husband which have all been for the better. He is more confident in himself, he now makes me feel safe when speaking with him about how I am feeling and truly wants to be present and listen to what I have to say. Thank you for opening my husband up and showing him how much of an incredible man he already is and by giving him the tools he now has learned from you that he can now apply for the rest of his life and now mine. Thank you for not only changing his life but mine as well.”

A Grateful and Thankful Wife

“Today I started the day being called every name under the sun, having my daughter withheld from me on Father’s day indefinitely. With the mindset, emotional wisdom and relational skills you taught me I was able to navigate and lead many hard conversations with my girlfriend, but also over the course of 8 hrs navigate situational repair with the mother of my child. To the point where she invited me to pick up my daughter for the rest of day and proceeded to tell me she deeply respects me as our daughters father and how well I show up for both her and our daughter. That is the power you helped me to reclaim and harness within myself. Nobody taught me how to do that as a man in life. You were the teacher who showed me that was possible and how.”

 A Grateful Dad


“My wife was really at the place where she was just tired of my bullshit and frankly I was tired of my bullshit too and just couldn’t figure out what the next step was and what I needed to do. Will power wasn’t cutting it.

The results started happening within a couple of weeks of working with Brandon Having gone through many years of counselling and therapy it was really difficult for my wife to even say that she was noticing a difference or any change. Within the first few weeks definitely within the first month of working with Brandon she was telling me how I’m different that I have been and how she’s noticed a change in me that’s been lasting. There’s just a lot of really amazing wins along the way that’s removed a lot of the frustration out of our relationship and is really giving us the opportunity to build.

My journey in a matter of just a few months has gone from being really depressed and feeling like my relationship with my wife is over my kids are going to suffer, to now being really hopeful and even providing and establishing structure within our relationship and building what we want, the type of life that we want together and it’s really been amazing and it’s just giving me a framework and the realisation that all of this was within me.”
